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Silvio Micali

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Interview with:

Silvio Micali

Professor at Massachusets Institute of Technology

Founder, Algorand

Recipient of the ISSNAF 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award


Alberto di Mauro

Silvio Micali has been on the faculty at MIT, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, since 1983. Silvio’s research interests are cryptography, zero knowledge, pseudorandom generation, secure protocols, and mechanism design and blockchain. In particular, Silvio is the co-inventor of probabilistic encryption, Zero-Knowledge Proofs, Verifiable Random Functions and many of the protocols that are the foundations of modern cryptography.

In 2017, Silvio founded Algorand, a fully decentralized, secure, and scalable blockchain which provides a common platform for building products and services for a borderless economy. At Algorand, Silvio oversees all research, including theory, security and crypto finance.

Silvio is the recipient of the Turing Award (in computer science), of the Gödel Prize (in theoretical computer science) and the RSA prize (in cryptography). He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and Accademia dei Lincei.

Silvio has received his Laurea in Mathematics from the University of Rome, and his PhD in Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley.

Host: “First of all, Professor Micali, congratulations on behalf of ISSNAF for the assignment of the Life Time Achievement Award which is a well-deserved recognition of your constant activity in the fields of cryptography and computer science. As you well know, ISSNAF, the Foundation that connects Italian scientists and scholars who live permanently in North America, has always set among its main objectives the creation of a bridge between Italy and North America in the field of scientific research. From this point of view, what effect does receiving this award have on you? Do you acknowledge that you have a part to play in the construction of this bridge?”

Guest: “I am honored to receive the Life Time Achievement Award both as an Italian and as a North American. I am convinced that every award entails not only an honor, but also a responsibility.

Among the positive aspects of receiving an award, one is the increase of the winner’s visibility. So on the one hand it offers me an emotional boost to work better and to commit myself more, on the other it gives me the opportunity to make myself better recognized both in the Italian community and in the North American one. Since we should all feel committed to building bridges in society, I hope that this welcome recognition will allow me to play a more incisive role as a link between the two communities, ultimately helping to make them more cohesive.”

Host: “Let's enter the specific field of your competences. You founded Algorand which, to use your own words, is a completely decentralized, secure and scalable blockchain. Could you for our ISSNAF members and sympathizers summarize the characteristics of Algorand and how it differs from other cryptocurrency systems such as Ethereum and Bitcoin?”

Guest: “The Blockchain at the definitional level is a database open to all, in which everyone can record a statement, but which cannot be altered either in the content or in the order of the transaction blocks. A non-cryptologist may think that the greatest difficulty, given that it is a distributed register where everyone can read and write, consists in the security that no one intervenes to alter. Indeed this is an easily overcome problem. The main problem, rather, is identifying the person responsible for adding a block to the chain. In fact this data base is enriched from time to time by new transactions organized in blocks. But: who should the power of selecting

and adding the next block of transactions? Determining which transactions should be visible by the entire world and which should not is a tremendous power.

Here the various chains differ. In the Bitcoin chain and in others that follow it, the idea of Mr. or Mrs. Satoshi Nakamoto was to make a computational race by asking an extremely difficult cryptographic question. The first who solves it has the power over the blockchain in hand. The idea was excellent starting from the fact that those who solve the questions are different people from time to time, thus achieving a fair result. In reality this mechanism turned out to be a contest for power. There are those who have become very equipped for this race, buying thousands of very expensive super computers, specialized only to solve the cryptographic riddle. Among other things, these machines consume a tremendous amount of electricity, and additional electricity is necessary to refrigerate the servers involved in solving the riddle. In short, the idea to participate in the consensus that seemed brilliant hid an intrinsic weakness given by the cost factor which, becoming higher and higher, allows only a few to access. From a good start, a new idea, which traced a path to get to decentralization, concretely became an impediment to access for private people who do not have financial means to enter the field. Apart from this, the excessive consumption of electricity has become a factor with a strong negative impact on the environment.

The second idea is to entrust only a group of “delegates” with the decision on the blocks to add to the chain. Such a group, in what is technically called Delegated Proof of Stake, essentially is a private club. If Bitcoin started out as a decentralized system, at least in the beginning, blockchains based on Delegated Proof of Stake are centralized by design. And they will remain so!

Algorand proposes a different system. From 10 billion tokens of consent, 1000 are chosen at random. Their owners are part of a temporary committee for a single block and agree on the block. At the next block a new random draw occurs with a new committee and a new block. This is a very sophisticated sort of draw consisting of a cryptographic individual lottery. Fair by definition since no one, not even a world power armed with millions of supercomputers, could improve the odds of winning the lottery. It is as I have a lever in the slot machine that I can only lower once. If I lose it stops there, if I win I get a “winning ticket”, mathematical proof that I have been chosen at random to be part of the temporary committee and this proof I send it on the net with my opinion on the block, up or down. The system therefore turns out to be decentralized because out of 10 billion tokens every token has the equal possibility of being chosen, scalable because to lower the lever it takes only one millionth of a second, so everyone can

participate in the draw. This remain true even if a participants owns a single token or billions of them. Even if there were 100 million participants, it would only take 100 seconds of computation. Furthermore, the system turns out to be very safe. In fact, even if there were a powerful villain who wants to bribe 1000 people among the members of the committee, he cannot do it because the secret drawing prevents him from knowing who they are and therefore would not know who to turn to. When the winners put their winning ticket online, it is true that they come to light, but their opinion on the block is already spreading virally. It therefore becomes impossible to suck up all these messages now entered into the network. In other words, at the beginning you don't know who to bribe and in a second phase it becomes too late to do so.

One of the reasons why I started working on blockchain was precisely what the co-founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, stated in particular. In his opinion it was impossible for anyone to make the three elements coexist in the same blockchain: decentralization, scalability and security. I believe that in human life there are impossible things and those serve to give us depth and meaning, but often we erroneously believe that something is impossible. And so I concentrated on this point and ended up solving the problem. I therefore hope that this approach to consensus, typical of Algorand, can be used in the future as a useful tool in other systems as well.

A further difference of Algorand compared to other blockchains is given by consumption. That of Bitcoin or Ethereum is comparable to the energy of a small country, while for Algorand, putting together the entire world apparatus that participates in the consensus, it is comparable to the consumption of 10 houses. It is therefore much more sustainable from an environmental point of view.

The chain also has no forks. In other blockchains the chain “forks”, that is, it may temporarily split in 2 branches. You know one of the two will die, but you don't know which one is destined to survive. In this case a sort of suspense is created as there is no univocal truth. On the contrary, Algorand’s chain does not fork. Thus, it can offer you that certainty that is necessary in the world of transactions.

Another point of pride is that Algorand has always created blocks in 4.4 seconds without ever experiencing any interruptions. Never has a block been lost. Other chains experience regular interruptions and need to be reactivated. It is essential that the chain does not have to stop. If this does not have a speculative purpose, but is intended for financial or health care services or in any case for vital services, transactions cannot be stopped. The technology must work regularly.

In the end another advantage is given by smart contracts that execute automatically, if the right conditions arise. Not all contracts must be executed automatically, but for some it is good that they are. There are cases where a certain payment results in a unilateral transaction such as a donation to a charitable association or a transfer to the family in the country of origin by a foreign worker. On the other hand, most payments presuppose an exchange, a do ut des, but at that point the problem arises of who gives his own thing first! This is why there are credit cards or brokers who can act as mediators, but in this case costs go up and transactions slow down. In Algorand the exchange becomes atomic in the Greek etymological sense of indivisible: I pay the moment I receive. Payment is like having a return ticket, but in the traditional form it happens as if the outward journey was by plane and the return by carriage. With Algorand without a mediator, it takes 4.4 seconds at a cost of two tenths of a cent. In other blockchains, exchanges take place, but they are very slow, expensive and fragile. 80 percent of the need of smart contracts is satisfied in Algorand in such efficient and secure way, encouraging direct exchange between people without depending on the mediator. It is an approach that turns out to be democratic. I am not saying that I want to eliminate brokers when they add value to the transaction. But when the mediator's only value is to make the transaction itself possible, at this point it is better to replace it with a secure technology.

hope this will serve a democratization of finance as well as decentralization, taking power away from an elite as it puts the use of sophisticated tools within everyone's reach.

In the Bitcoin blockchain, in fact, the only exchangeable good is the currency itself, while with Algorand not only monetary exchanges are made but also other types of transactions such as bonds.”

Host: “In March 2021 Algorand signed an agreement with the SIAE (Italian Society for Authors and Publishers) which protects the copyrights of creatives. What is the main goal you want to achieve with this agreement?”

Guest: “SIAE has issued 4.5 million NFTs (not fungible tokens) on Algorand, each of which represents the digital rights of musical works. They represent 100,000 artists who have generated these 4.5 million works. When I want to buy the rights to a piece of music or a song, it is difficult to understand at present who the real owner is, based on the paper where previously changes of ownership may not appear. On the blockchain I see them all registered and therefore I am sure I know who is the owner. The next step of SIAE is to manage these flows on chain, in a transparent way. If one wants

to understand, for example, why he never received a form of remuneration for one of his pieces, the management on chain allows him to realize how many times it has been used.

If I want to play a song and it is recorded in the blockchain, I can remunerate all those involved in the creation and performance of the piece (singer, orchestra, author of the text, etc.) in the order of a few cents. When dividends are so cheap, it becomes fair distribution. We are very happy with the decision of SIAE. Historically this company was born with Puccini and Verdi to try to defend the artists from those who then represented the great music industry. At that time the artists were left with the crumbs of their earnings and therefore they were feeling the need to associate in order to better defend themselves. By being on-chain the system gains a great deal of transparency, the possession of the various pieces can be better managed.

The blockchain becomes a prime example of how to allow authors to be masters of their own information, maintaining their rights and not giving them to others to manage them, as happens in other platforms.

Algorand's efficiency in this specific case was confirmed by the fact that 4.5 million certificates were issued in just one morning. This issuance, in another blockchain could have cost up to $ 100 for each, and one wonders in that case where half a billion dollars could have been found to represent 100,000 Italian artists. The whole cost amounted to a few thousand dollars. Algorand therefore proved to time efficient, only half a morning, while being economically efficient.”

Host: “Money in general often ends up acquiring its own socio-cultural identity. Could digital currency in the future represent not only an economic value, but also an identity value, helping to form an open community that recognizes itself by crossing state borders?”

Guest: “It is a very beautiful question, but one that is very difficult to answer. In fact, everything concerning our identity is very complex since there are numerous factors that contribute to self-definition. Undoubtedly, money is one of many. However, we must remember that in the past there has not always been identification between the national state and the currency, because different types of coins circulated in the same state. However, common money can contribute to a form of identity that smooths out possible disputes between individuals. It always seems to me an excellent thing if a state within its borders aims towards internal social cohesion as long as it does not lead to external aggression.

Trade has in fact always been international. We need an international exchange tool. The currency of an economically dominant country has very often served as a medium of international exchange: it now happens with the dollar, it happened first with the pound in the British Empire and even earlier with the pesos in the Spanish Empire. A truly decentralized currency, not issued by any single national state, in which everyone can participate through a consensus protocol, where we all know what has been printed and who owns what, can help create an aggregating structure oriented towards international cooperation. I don't know if that will happen, but it could potentially have a positive development with many benefits.”

Host: “Through the boom of cryptocurrencies that have no material incarnation, one could hypothesize the development of a universe parallel to the physical one. What do you think about?”

Guest: “Universes parallel to the physical ones already exist. Referring to money, in my opinion, this has always been, in a certain sense, immaterial. Let's take the example that I ask a bricklayer to build a perimeter wall and decide to pay for it in …sheep. He accepts only if he can exchange them for other things. Gold is also visible, it has a weight and various characteristics, but to be accepted as a payment you need a trust that in turn the metal will be accepted by others. At a fundamental level even money, even when the substrate is paper, always presupposes a social construct in which we believe. With the possible introduction of the digital dollar or the digital euro into the market, there would always be the same mechanism and therefore I do not see major differences in this sense between traditional and digital money.”

Host: “As an Italian who graduated in Rome and then moved to the United States where he made a splendid career, receiving the prestigious Turing Award, among other things, do you define yourself as a brain on the run?

In your opinion, is there a way that allows Italy to see not only the negative aspects of this phenomenon, but also to seize opportunities?”

Guest: “But are we talking about brain drain or the export of Italian spirit? We Italians living in North America represent what Italy can do on an artistic, commercial, scientific level, etc. By letting ourselves be appreciated, we actually increase the value of Italians, of made in Italy in a broad sense. Who benefits from it is the source that is Italy!

What I particularly love about our country is our traditional lack of xenophobia which instead begins to color the international panorama.

While some hints of xenophobia can also be found in Italy, it is much easier to find xenophilia to the point of exaggerating since we see the brains on the run and not those at home. A striking example is given to us in this exceptional year for Italy, by the scientist Giorgio Parisi who received the Nobel Prize in physics. Even among the artists, just to give a few examples in the world of cinema, we cannot fail to mention Giuseppe Tornatore or Paolo Sorrentino or Roberto Benigni, all directors awarded with Oscars.

It is as if we do not count them, because we take them for granted. In the Italian language there is a significant motto: "The tongue strikes where the tooth hurts". In fact, the tongue beats on all teeth. We focus our attention on the aching one, but not on all the other healthy ones and therefore the Italian genius as a whole escapes us. Genial Italians exist everywhere. We only look at those outside the border.

Then there is another aspect in which I personally recognize myself. Certain categories of people have to go outside to be more creative. Starting from scratch without constraints makes us feel freer to express ourselves. I left Italy, where I had received my education. Undoubtedly I am proud of it, starting with that of Italian secondary schools which are formidable training centers. But for me it was vital in my work not to have mental structures. I always started with areas, such as cryptography, which had never been academic disciplines. For me it was and remains important to start with the canvas on which you are free to paint whatever you want and where the frame should only be placed later.

Ultimately, everyone gives their own contribution, creating a symbiosis that mutually benefits both the country you come from and the one you are in. In my opinion, the Italian protagonists, who are abroad, constitute a significant driving force for the growth of cultural heritage in general. Therefore, I can only judge this phenomenon very positively both for the world and specifically for Italy itself.”



Federico Capasso

Friday, September 29, 2023

Interview with:

Federico Capasso

Robert Wallace Professor of Applied Physics, Harvard University

ISSNAF Founder and Honorary Board Member
Recipient of the ISSNAF 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award


Barbara Rosario

Federico Capasso holds a Doctor of Physics degree from the University of Roma, La Sapienza. He is the Robert Wallace Professor of Applied Physics at Harvard University, which he joined in 2003 after 27 years at Bell Labs where his career advanced from postdoctoral fellow to Vice President for Physical Research. He has made wide ranging contributions to optics and photonics, nanoscience, designer materials  leading to his invention of the quantum cascade laser; he pioneered metasurfaces,  discovering their generalized laws of refraction and reflection,  and metaoptics,  such as  high performance metalenses. He is a co-founder and board member of Metalenz Inc. (, which is focused on commercializing metaoptics for high-volume markets.

Prof. Capasso is Clarivate citation laureate for physics in 2023 which recognizes an exceptional citation record within the Web of Science™.  He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Academia Europaea, the Accademia dei Lincei, a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS). His awards include the Balzan Prize in Applied Photonics, the King Faisal Prize, the AAAS Rumford Prize, the IEEE Edison Medal, the American Physical Society Arthur Schawlow Prize, the Yves Medal of Optica,  the Enrico Fermi Prize of the Italian Physical Society,  the Matteucci Medal, the Wetherill Medal of the Franklin Institute, the Materials Research Society Medal and the Jan Czochralski Award for lifetime achievements in Materials Science. He holds honorary doctorates from Lund University, Diderot University, the University of Bologna and University of Roma, Tor Vergata.

WATCH THE VIDEO INTERVIEW that was recorded at the time Prof. Capasso was awarded the 2023 ISSNAF Lifetime Achievement Award.

Watch the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award Ceremony including Prof. Capasso’s remarks.

Giulia Galli

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Interview with:

Giulia Galli

Liew Family Professor at the University of Chigago
Senior Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory

ISSNAF Honorary Board Member
Recipient of the ISSNAF 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award


Barbara Rosario

Giulia Galli is the Liew Family Professor of Electronic Structure and Simulations in the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering and the Department of Chemistry at the University of Chicago. She also holds a senior scientist position at Argonne National Laboratory, where she is a group leader and the director of the Midwest Integrated Center for Computational Materials. She is an expert in the development of theoretical and computational methods to predict and engineer material and molecular properties from first principles. Her research focuses on problems relevant to the development of sustainable energy sources and quantum technologies.

Prior to joining UChicago, she was professor of chemistry and physics at the University of California, Davis (2005-2013) and the head of the Quantum Simulations group at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL, 1998-2005). She holds a PhD in Physics from the International School of Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy.

Prof. Galli is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Science, and the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science, as well as a fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She is the recipient of several awards, including the Materials Research Society Theory Award, the American Physical Society David Adler Award in Materials Physics, the Feynman Nanotechnology Prize in Theory, the medal of the Schola Physica Romana and the Tomassoni-Chisesi award by La Sapienza University in Rome, Italy.

This interview was recorded when Prof. Galli was awarded the 2022 ISSNAF Lifetime Achievement Award.


Franco Einaudi

Monday, June 28, 2021


Franco Einaudi

Director of the Earth Sciences Division, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

ISSNAF Founder

Ad memoriam

Franco Einaudi (1937-2020) had a distinguished career in the field of Earth Sciences. He was a Professor of Geophysical Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and the Director of the Earth Sciences Division at the NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. He was one of the Founding Members of ISSNAF.

Born in Turin, Italy, on October 31, 1937, Franco Einaudi graduated from the Politecnico di Torino in 1961 and came to the United States a year later to undertake graduate work in physics at Cornell University. After receiving his PhD in 1967, he spent two years as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Toronto; he subsequently spent ten years as a fellow in the Cooperative Institute of Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) in Boulder, Colorado, followed by eight years as a Professor of Geophysical Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Franco never lost his connection to Italy, and in fact brought his family to Rome for a year in 1976, where he served as Director of Research at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, and to Florence in 1984 for a sabbatical year as a visiting professor at the Osservatorio Astrofisico Arcetri. In 1987, Franco moved to Maryland where he spent 23 years at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. During his last ten years with Nasa he was Director of the Earth Sciences Division.

After his retirement from NASA in 2010, Franco spent the next five years as an unofficial ambassador for NASA, visiting high schools and colleges with a high percentage of minority students to encourage them to pursue careers in Earth Sciences. In recognition of this work, in 2014 he was awarded the American Meteorological Society’s Thomas E. Anderson Award ”for consistent, career-long personal efforts to increase diversity, and for leading institutional changes that will continue to create opportunities for women and under-represented minorities.” The American Meteorological Society has recently published an article in his memory on its Bulletin and allowed ISSNAF to post it.

Click here to read it. 

Giorgio Bellettini

Monday, May 17, 2021

#weareISSNAF Seminar Series

Giorgio Bellettini

Honorary Professor of Physics (Emeritus), University of Pisa

Guest Scientist, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FERMILAB)

ISSNAF Founder and Honorary Board Member


Paul Grannis


Consulate General of Italy in Chicago and Italian Cultural Institute in Chicago

Giorgio Bellettini is Honorary Professor of Physics at the University of Pisa, where he retired in 2009, and Guest Scientist at Fermilab. He has made experiments in particle physics at Frascati, at CERN, and since 1980 at Fermilab. Since 1981 he was spokesperson of the Italian groups in the Collider Detector Facility (CDF) and Co-spokesperson of the international CDF Collaboration at the time of the discovery of the top quark. He was Director of the Italian National Laboratories of Frascati, Chairman of the ISR Committee and Member of the Science Policy Committee of CERN.

He is an author of over 850 refereed publications in international science journals, where many important results are reported including the discovery of the increasing with energy total proton-proton cross section at the CERN ISR and the discovery of the top quark at the Fermilab Tevatron.

He is APS Fellow, Commendatore of the Italian Republic, and was honored with the Carlo Matteucci Medal by the Italian Academy of Sciences in 2006.

The Italian Factor at Fermilab

In conversation with Paul Grannis

A very significant outcome of the long-standing collaborative effort of Italians and North American nuclear physicists is the present deep involvement of Italians in the scientific and cultural life of Fermilab. Giorgio Bellettini reflects on a scientific career that started in the sixties, spanned two continents and was marked by a strong collaboration between American and Italian physicists, such as on the CDF experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron collider, where over 100 Italian scientists participated. His deep, constant involvement with Americans shaped many significant events, including two important scientific discoveries. After the end of CDF data-taking ten years ago, the Italian INFN is participating strongly in new world-class experiments at Fermilab and is looking to play an important role in the exploration of neutrino physics, the field where Italians have been making important contributions and on which the Lab is betting for future fundamental discoveries. Additionally, the Cultural Association of Italians at Fermilab, created by Bellettini to enable Italian students to train in the USA and to spread the Italian language, music and culture in the US, is another aspect of his important legacy.

To watch the video, click here.

Antonella Nota

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

#weareISSNAF Seminar Series

Antonella Nota

European Space Agency Hubble Project Scientist

STScI ESA Office Head

ISSNAF Board Member, Scientific Council Chair


Maria Teresa Cometto


Consulate General of Philadelphia and IIC of New York

Antonella Nota is an astronomer with the European Space Agency, at the Space Telescope Science Institute, where she is the Head of the ESA Office. In this role, she is the senior ESA representative for the team and is responsible for Hubble outreach efforts in Europe, which includes the dissemination of the observatory’s results and communications with the public. She also directs all science policies and scientific communications that support the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in Europe.

Born in Venice, Italy, Antonella Nota completed her studies at the Institute of Astronomy of the University of Padova, and moved to the US in 1986.  She studies young stellar clusters, in the Milky Way and neighbors, mostly with Hubble and ground-based telescopes, because she is interested to know how stars and clusters form.

She strongly advocates combining art and science to spark the curiosity of the public, which has led to several successful partnerships with artists and curators. For example, in collaboration with German artist Tim Otto Roth, she contributed to “From the Distant Past,” which projected signals from distant galaxies observed by Hubble on the façades of buildings in Venice, Italy, New York City, and Baltimore, Maryland. She has also collaborated with curator and historian Anna Caterina Bellati to produce “Our Place In Space”, a science and art exhibit shown in Venice and Chiavenna, where 10 prominent Italian artists were asked to interpret Hubble images.

Antonella Nota has published more than 200 articles in astronomical journals and books and contributed to numerous press releases and science announcements.  She is a member of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and L’Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti (IVSLA). She joined ISSNAF in 2020.

Exploring the Universe: the 30-year impact of the Hubble Space Telescope on science and society

Refurbished in orbit by astronauts five times, the Hubble Space Telescope (Hubble) is more powerful and innovative than ever. As we celebrate  its  splendid 30 years in orbit, and three decades of scientific discoveries,  Hubble continues its relentless investigation into a broad range of astrophysical objects and phenomena, ranging from our own Solar System to the most distant galaxies, to the distribution of dark matter in galaxies and clusters, from the characterization of the atmospheres of newly discovered exoplanets, to the precise studies of relative motions of nearby stars, to tracing the expansion of the Universe. Working in synergy with other observatories, from the ground and space, Hubble continues to be a prominent presence on the astronomical discovery scene and its observing time is in high community demand.

Not only has Hubble transformed our knowledge of the Universe but it has greatly impacted culture, society and art for three decades. Hubble has broadened the reach of astronomical research, a science that for years was perceived to be reserved to a privileged few, and made it a resource available to all. It has brought the Universe to our houses, and is continuing to inspire generations of students. Hubble has become a presence that belongs to all, the “people’s telescope”. Its beautiful images connect directly with our souls, sparking the big questions that humanity has been pondering in the centuries: where do we come from? Are we alone in are we alone in the Universe? What is our place in space?

To watch the video, click here.

Roberto Peccei

Monday, June 1, 2020


Roberto Peccei

Professor and ISSNAF Founder

Prof. Alexander Kusenko

Roberto Peccei (1942-2020) was an internationally renowned particle physicist. During his distinguished career at UCLA, he has served as a department Chair (1989-1993), Dean of Physical Sciences (1993-2001), and Vice Chancellor for Research (2000-2010), overseeing a significant expansion of UCLA research efforts and the advent of major institutes on campus.

Roberto Peccei (1942-2020) was a brilliant scientist, a natural leader, a thoughtful colleague, and a special friend. During his distinguished career at UCLA, he has served as a department Chair (1989-1993), Dean of Physical Sciences (1993-2001), and Vice Chancellor for Research (2000-2010), overseeing a significant expansion of UCLA research efforts and the advent of major institutes on campus.

Roberto Peccei was born in Torino, Italy in 1942. He was a son of Aurelio Peccei, an Italian industrialist and philanthropist, who was a member of the anti-fascist movement and the resistance during the World War II, then moved to Argentina to oversee Fiat operations in Latin America, and later founded the Club of Rome with the goal of addressing the multiple crises facing humanity and the planet. Roberto completed his secondary education in Argentina and came to the United States in 1958 as a student. He obtained a B.S. from MIT in 1962, M.S. from NYU in 1964, and a Ph.D. from the MIT Center for Theoretical Physics in 1969. After a postdoctoral appointment at the University of Washington, Dr. Peccei joined the faculty at Stanford University Physics Department (1971-1978), then moved to Max Planck Institute for Physics and Astrophysics in Munich, Germany (1978-1984), and later became the Head of Theory Group at one of the largest European laboratories, DESY in Hamburg (1987-1989). Professor Peccei joined UCLA in 1989, where he conducted research in theoretical physics and served in many administrative positions, including Vice Chancellor for Research. Professor Peccei had a very significant global presence; his service extended well beyond UCLA and included service on many national and international committees on science, as well as the Executive Committee of the Club or Rome.

One of the most famous scientific contributions, and an example of Roberto Peccei’s brilliant thinking is the celebrated Peccei-Quinn symmetry, proposed in collaboration with Helen Quinn. Interactions of elementary particles, as well as the very existence of matter in the universe depend on how different the world would be under the hypothetical action of flipping all particle charges and reflecting the world in a mirror. This mathematical transformation, called “CP” is closely related to flipping the arrow of time. Some physical processes are not invariant with respect to such a transformation, which, remarkably, allows for the dominance of matter over antimatter in the universe. However, if one considers only the strong interactions, which hold the nuclei together, the CP transformation leaves them invariant even though it requires an apparent conspiracy of some seemingly unrelated parameters (the vacuum “theta angle” and a phase coming from the mass parameters of quarks). Peccei and Quinn proposed a brilliant explanation based on a new symmetry of nature. This symmetry implies, in particular, the existence of a new particle which has not yet been discovered, but which has the potential to account for cosmological dark matter, that is, for most of the matter in the universe. Peccei-Quinn symmetry emerges in other areas of physics and has been studied by many scientists in a variety of contexts.

Roberto Peccei’s seminal and groundbreaking contributions have been recognized by numerous prizes and awards. He was particularly happy to receive the J.J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics awarded by the American Physical Society, of which he was a long-standing member and a Fellow, as well as Chair of Division of Particles and Fields. Roberto Peccei was also elected a Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science and a Fellow of Institute of Physics, UK. He was awarded the order of Commendatore in Italy, and a number of honorary professorships and lectureships. In 2016, Roberto Peccei became a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Professor Peccei was a passionate communicator of science, who enjoyed teaching graduate and undergraduate students at UCLA. In recent years, his course on the Physics of Energy served as a source of much needed knowledge and inspiration for his students and colleagues.

The memory of Roberto Peccei will continue to inspire his colleagues, postdocs and students.

Roberto Peccei is survived by his wife Jocelyn and their children Alessandra and Aurelio. In lieu of flowers, the family encourages friends of Roberto to make donations in his honor to UCLA Physics and Astronomy, as well as Parkinson’s Disease research at UCLA.

This memorial is published at UCLA Physics & Astronomy

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