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Our partners are academic and research institutions, private/public institutions in North America and Italy, corporations engaged in technology and scientific endeavors, and Government institutions interested in supporting our programs, receiving assistance in implementing programs, or cooperating in mutually beneficial programs.





ISSNAF creates opportunities for collaborative research, advanced studies, and hands-on training experiences for researchers and graduate students.


In partnership with Italian universities and in response to the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) “internationalization” directives, ISSNAF supports programs that foster networking and collaboration between research groups in Italy and North America.

ISSNAF collaborates with prestigious universities in Italy on internship programs that benefit exceptional Master’s (Laurea Magistrale) and PhD students. Thanks to the support of ISSNAF members who offers to host them in their labs, these interns will have the opportunity to spend a research and study period at esteemed universities in the USA and Canada.



ISSNAF has multi-year agreements in place to jointly manage mobility programs for graduate students with:

  • Politecnico di Torino (only for PhD students)

  • Scuola Superiore Studi Avanzati Sapienza

  • Università di Firenze

  • Università di Pavia

  • Università di Pisa

Check the partner university website for more information.

Past collaborations:

  • Politecnico di Milano has partnered with ISSNAF to facilitate research exchanges with North America  

  • Università di Milano has hosted US researchers on nanotechnology initiatives  

  • Università Politecnica delle Marche: ISSNAF contributed to the EXPO meeting dedicated to Innovation in Aging


Contact for more information on how to become a partner for ISSNAF Mobility Programs. 




ISSNAF facilitates the creation of a bridge between foundations, consortia and professional organizations in Italy and North America to support innovation, research and development.


ISSNAF can help with:

  • Strategic advisory for trans-Atlantic program

  • Access to Diaspora, including for recruiting purposes

  • Technology scouting and access to innovation

  • Outreach, networking, sector education, targeted event sponsorship

  • Creation and administration of programs for talented researchers and students in advanced research centers in North America

Examples of successful collaborations 

  • Art-er

    • Exchanges between ISSNAF members and Art-er research network in Emilia-Romagna.

  • National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA)

    • Focused on increasing the amount global research collaboration.

  • Fondazione Marche

    • Sponsored ten 2-year fellowships in Molecular Biology.

    • Partnered with ISSNAF for the Expo (Hackathon in 2017, Innov-aging in2018).

  • Fondazione Bracco

    • Information exchange through the sponsorship of the ISSNAF Imaging Working Group.

  • Consiglio Nazionale Ingegneri (CNI)

    • Funded over thirty 3-month internships in North America research facilities.

  • Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)

    • 9-week summer internships in North American aerospace research facilities.






ISSNAF provides value to industrial partners by 

  • Connecting  tech organizations with talented young researchers

  • Facilitating innovation and technology sourcing, collaboration, licensing and co-development

  • Supporting workforce development, education, and international recruiting

  • Enabling training and collaborations

Examples of past collaborations

  • IBM - Longevity Hackathon in Ancona, Italy

  • Bracco

    • Sponsorship of the Imaging Work Group

    • 2-year Fellowship in Medical Imaging

  • Easy Dial – Research Scholarship for the development of a Portable Hemodialysis System

  • Thales Alenia Space – Space Science Fellowship







ISSNAF is under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic and operates in close partnership with the Italian Embassy in Washington, DC.


The Italian Embassy generously hosts the ISSNAF Annual Event. In 2020, the Embassy also sponsors one of the Young Investigator Awards, the “Embassy of Italy Award”. The 2020 Award will recognize young Italian researchers in the U.S. whose work in the most advanced fields has shown potential for significant impact to the prevention and/or management of COVID-19.


ISSNAF supports the Italian Embassy and Consular Network in connecting with the Diaspora, in accessing technical expertise, and giving visibility to the ecosystem of Italian academia and research/innovation outfit. ISSNAF helps disseminate information about collaborations and other initiatives relevant to the Diaspora, as well as opportunities for the return of talent in Italy. See Resources.


ISSNAF has collaborated with the Embassy on the fundraising initiative “Italy Stay Strong” to support three Italian hospitals fighting COVID-19, raising over $547,000.



ISSNAF has collaborated with various Ministeri on science-related programs:

  • Ministero dell’Ambiente

    • Fellowship in the field of Climate Change Modeling

    • Fellowship in the field of Environment Sciences

    • Fellowship in the field of Technology for Energy Efficiency


  • Ministero della Salute

    • Members of the review boards for Bando Ricerca Finalizzata

At the local level, ISSNAF Chapters closely collaborate with the Italian Consulates in the US and Canada, and the Italian Cultural Institutes (IIC) to liaise with members and partners across North America. The Chapters co-sponsor synergistic programs, contribute to events as technical committee members, highlight members’ achievements to the community, and broadcast relevant information. 

  • Joint webinar sponsored by the IIC Los Angeles and co-sponsored by all IICs in North America, “Cinzia Zuffada: Reflections on Earth viewed from Space” in May 2020

  • Joint webinar sponsored by the IIC Chicago, “Damiano Rondelli et al.: Non-COVID Patients with Chronic Illnesses in Need of Healthcare During the Pandemia” in May 2020 

  • Collaboration with the Italian Consulate General in San Francisco  - Participation to the Earth Sciences and Cultural Heritage Working Group Meeting of the US-Italy Science and Technology Joint Commission in December 2019

  • Joint events with IICs for the celebration of the “Giornata della Ricerca Italiana nel Mondo”

  • Collaboration with the Italian Consulate General in San Francisco on the organization of the Italy-US Innovation Forum hosted at Stanford University in October 2019. The Forum was honored by the presence of the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella.






ISSNAF is an active part of our local communities through its Chapters across North America. 

Besides collaborating with the Italian Consular Network, ISSNAF Chapters join forces in synergistic programs with the organizations active in their community. ISSNAF provides subject matter expertise in events and seminars for the general public, joint scholarships and awards, and education outreach.

Success stories:

  • Administering the Leonardo 500 Award for the Leonardo Society in San Francisco, 2019 and 2020.

  • ‘Meet the Rocket Scientists’ event in partnership with the IIC in Los Angeles, 2018.

  • Challenging the Paradigm’ symposium in partnership with the Keck Institute for Space Studies, the Italian Embassy, and the Los Angeles Consulate and IIC, 2009.​



italian cultural society of washington D
leonardo da vinci society of san francis
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