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Embassy of Italy Award



Marco Giovanni Giometto


Dr. Marco Giometto is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering  Mechanics at Columbia University and a Senior Research Scientist at Amazon. He completed a  joint Ph.D. degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Braunschweig TU University and the  University of Florence (2014), and in 2016 he earned a second PhD in Mechanical Engineering from  École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, where he won the EDME Award for the best thesis in  Mechanical Engineering. Before joining Columbia University, Marco held postdoctoral positions at the  University of British Columbia and at the Center for Turbulence Research, which is jointly operated by  Stanford University and NASA Ames. He is the director of the Environmental Flow Physics Laboratory at  Columbia University (, whose overarching mission is to advance  the fundamental understanding of exchange processes between the earth's surface and the atmosphere.  These processes are key drivers of weather and climate, with critical implications on global sustainability  issues including climate change, urban sprawl, public health, and energy. He pioneered the use of highfidelity fluid dynamic simulations for the study of urban climates and since 2018 has actively contributed  to the Amazon Prime Air program, which will soon impact hundreds of millions of people worldwide.  Marco is also the recipient of the Provost Diversity Award at Columbia University.

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