BAC Events
The Calendar’s time zone is Eastern Time
BAC Talks Series
BAC Talks are informal gatherings where four of our members present their research to a general, yet highly educated audience. Modeled after Ted-talks, the events always include a social and networking session with good Italian food.
BAC Connect Series
Originated during the lockdown and pandemic of 2020, the BAC Connect events are an opportunity to facilitate and seed collaborations between researchers across the US and across the Atlantic. Each event is focused on a specific topic and experts from both sides of the Atlantic share their experiences and interests in collaborations. These are virtual events organized at a time that allows participation from Italy as well as the US.
Special Events
In collaboration with our partners we enrich the experience of visiting members of Italian organizations (universities, student programs, regional and/or professional organizations). The intent is to facilitate information exchange, technology scouting and promotional activities. Our members often lecture to students or professionals coming to the Bay Area for study tours or executive management training.