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Congratulations to Michele Mazza, winner of the 2024 YI INFN Bruno Touschek Award.

"Dr. Simone Mazza is awarded the INFN Bruno Toushek Award for his significant contributions to the development and applications of Low-Gain Avalanche Detectors (LGADs) for detector instrumentation, from the High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) for the ATLAS experiment, to leading key elements of the PIONEER experiment at PSI. His contributions have been recognized with a US Patent and are reaching across several important areas of particle physics such as the LHC and the EIC and could stretch to medical and industrial applications."

Dr. Simone Mazza, Assistant Project Scientist at the University of California Santa Cruz, has been recognized with the 2024 Franco Strazzabosco Award for his research on "Critical detector development for high energy and nuclear physics".

Established in 2022 by Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, this award honors the memory of Prof. Bruno Touschek for his pioneering work in the fields of elementary particle physics and particle accelerators. It recognizes contributions in the fields of fundamental interactions of matter, such as elementary particle physics, nuclear physics, cosmology and the physics of particle beams.

Find more about Dr. Mazza and other Young Investigator Awardees.



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